Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Research Grants at Nigerian Conservation Foundation

Nigerian Conservation Foundation is offering research grants to Nigerian citizen wishing to undertake research work in fields related to nature conservation and sustainable livelihood. Interested candidates must be a Nigerian citizen, Candidates must have M.Sc. Degree or equivalent qualification in Biological Sciences, Social Sciences, or Law (Environmental Law/Protection) but related to environmental resources management

Nigerian Conservation Foundation
Chief S. L. Edu Research Grant

The Nigerian Conservation Foundation with support from Chevron Nigeria Limited offers research grants to Nigerian citizen wishing to undertake research work in fields related to nature conservation and sustainable livelihood. The grant shall be for three years leading to a PhD degree.

NCF has a vision of a Nigeria where people prosper white living in harmony with nature.

This vision is what drives the NCF mission statements:
The preservation of a full range of Nigeria’s biodiversity include species, ecosystems and genetic biodiversity
The promotion of sustainable use of natural resources for the benefit of present and future generations; and
The advocacy of actions that minimize pollution and wasteful utilization of renewable resources. Candidates will be selected based on (among others) the quality of their research proposal.

Applications Closing Date
16th November 2012.

Method of Application
Candidates must be a Nigerian citizen.
Candidates must have M.Sc. Degree or equivalent qualification in Biological Sciences, Social Sciences, or Law (Environmental Law/Protection) but related to environmental resources management
Candidates roust have secured admission in a Nigerian university towards a PhD degree in any of the fields stated in Serial No. 2.
Candidates must develop acceptable research proposal that meets NCF vision and mission.
Proposals must have correlation with local and national environmental conservation challenges
A progress report from the applicants Project Supervisor(s) stating how far he or she has gone in his or her research work and his/her role in the initial review and the relevance to the purpose/objectives of the grant is a very essential condition for considering any application.
200-word justification, with relevance to natural and environmental resource management and biodiversity conservation.

Proposals lobe submitted should reflect the Title, introduction/Statement of Problem, Objectives, Methodology and Expected Output etc.

Electronic applications with detailed curriculum vitae (CV), scanned copy of admission letter and a 3000-word proposal using Microsoft 12-point size font (new times Roman) and 1.5 spacing typing should be addressed and sent to:

The Administrative Officer
Administration Department
Nigerian Conservation Foundation, Lekki, Lagos.

via e-mail address- info@ncfnigeria.ong. No paper application will be considered. Applicants shall not submit more than one proposal for consideration.

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