Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Massive Recruitment at College of Education, Agbor, Delta State (40 Positions)

College of Education, Agbor, Delta State, invites applications from suitably qualified candidates to the fill the following vacant positions: Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Lecturer III, and Principal Lecturer for Academic positions and Non-Teaching positions in the College.

College of Education, Agbor, Delta State is recruiting to fill the following vacant positions:

1. School of Vocational & Technical Education

(a). Department of Accounting Education
i. Senior Lecturer
II. Lecturer II
Ill. Lecturer lll
Applicants must have Masters or PhD degree in Business Education (Accounting).

(b). Department of Secretarial Education
i. Lecturer I
Masters or Ph.D degree in Business Education (Secretarial Technology/Office Practice).
ii. Lecturer II
Masters or Ph.D degree in Business Education (Computer/ICT Education).

(c). Department of Home Economics
i. Lecturer I
ii. Lecturer II
iii. Lecturer Ill
Applicants must have Masters or Ph.D degree in Home Economics (Clothing and Textiles).

(d). Department of Agricultural Science
i. Lecturer II
Applicants must have Masters or Ph.D degree in Fishery.

2. School of Sciences

(a). Department of Integrated Science
i. Lecturer II
ii. Lecturer Ill
Applicants must have Masters or Ph.D degree in Science Education.

(b). Department of Physics
I. Lecturer II
II. Lecturer III
Applicants must possess Masters or Ph.D degree in any of the following areas.
i). Solid State Physics
ii). Atomic and Nuclear Physics
iii). Radiation Physics

(c). Department of Computer Science
I. Senior Lecturer
II. L e c t u r e r I
Applicants must have Masters or Ph.D degree in Computer Science.

(d). Department of Biology
I. Senior Lecturer
II. Lecturer III
Applicants must have Masters or Ph.D degree in Botany.
For Lecturer lll, Masters or Ph.D degree in Botany.

(e). Department of Mathematics
I. Senior Lecturer
II. Lecturer I
Ill. Lecturer III
Applicants must have Masters or Ph.D degree in any of the following areas:
      a). Mathematics (Analysis/Topology)
      b). Mathematics (Applied Maths)
      c). Mathematics (Functional Analysis)

(f). Department of Physical and Health Education
I. Senior Lecturer
II. Lecturer II
Applicants for any of the above positions must have Masters or Ph.D degree in Physical Education.

(g). Departmentof Chemistry
I. Lecturer II
II. Lecturer III
Applicants must have Masters or PhD degree in any of the following areas:
       a) Physical Chemistry
       b) Inorganic Chemistry

3. School of Arts & Social Sciences
(a). Department of Economics
I. Principal Lecturer
II. Senior Lecturer
III. Lecturer I
IV. Lecturer III
Applicants for any of the above positions must have Masters or Ph.D degree in any of the following areas:
      a) Macroeconomics
      b) Development Economics
      c) Microeconomics

(b). Departmentof Geography
I. Lecturer I
II. Lecturer III
Applicants must have Masters or Ph.D degree in any of the following areas:
      a) Geomorphology
      b) Agricultural Geography

(c). Department of Political Science
I. Senior Lecturer
II. Lecturer I
Applicants must have Masters or Ph.D degree in the following areas.
      a) Government and Politics
      b) Public Administration
Note: Applicants for Public Administration must have first degree in Political Science in addition to the Master’s degree.

(d). Department of History
I. Senior Lecturer
II. Lecturer I
Applicants must have Masters or Ph.D degree in any of the following areas:
      a) African History
      b) Archaeology

(e). Departmentof Music
I. Senior Lecturer
II. Lecturer II
Applicants must have Masters or Ph.D degree in any of the following areas.
      a) Music (Piano)
      b) Music (Performance)

(f). Department of Fine and Applied Arts
I. Lecturer III
Applicants must have Masters or Ph.D degree in any of the following areas.
      a) Sculpture
      b) Textiles

(g). Department of Theatre-Arts
I. Lecturer II
II. Lecturer Ill
Applicants must have Masters or Ph.D degree in Theatre- Design and Technology.

(h). Department of Christian Religions Studies
I. Lecturer ll
Applicants must have Masters or Ph.D degree in Old Testament Religious Studies.

(i) Department of Social Studies Education
I. Lecturer II
II. Lecturer III
Applicants must have Masters or Ph.D degree in Social Studies EducatIon.

4. School of Languages
(a). Department of English
I. Senior Lecturer
II. Lecturer I
Applicants must have Masters or Ph.D degree in English.

(b). Department of Nigerian Languages
I. Senior Lecturer
II. Lecturer I
Applicants must have Masters or PhD degree in Igbo/Linguistics.

5. School of Education
(a). Department of Curriculum Studies and Educational Technology
I. Lecturer II
Applicants must have Masters or Ph.D degree in Educational Technology.

(b). Department of Educational Psychology
i.  Lecturer II
Applicants must have Masters or Ph.D degree in Educational Psychology (Developmental Psychology).

(c). Department of Educational Foundations and Administration
I. Lecturer II
Applicants must have Masters or Ph.D degree in Adult education.

(d). Department of Nursery and Primary Education Studies
I. Lecturer II
Applicants must have Masters or Ph.D degree in Nursery and Primary Education.

(e). Department of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)
I. Lecturer II
II. Lecturerlll
Applicants must have Masters or Ph.D degree in Early Childhood Care and Education.

General Information On Cognate Experience
Lecturer II - Masters degree plus at least three (3) years teaching experience in higher institution of learning or Doctorate degree.
Lecturer I - Masters degree, plus six (6) years teaching/research experience in higher institution of learning or Doctorate degree plus at least three (3) years teaching/research experience.
Senior Lecturer - Doctorate degree, plus at least six (6) years teaching/research experience in higher institution of learning or Masters degree, plus nine (9) years teaching/research experience.
Principal Lecturer - Doctorate degree, plus at least nine (9) years teaching/research experience in higher institution of learning or Masters degree plus eleven (11) years teaching/research experience.
For all categories, applicants must have teaching qualification, while cognate experience and evidence of publications are relevant for the posts of Lecturer II and above.

1. Laboratory Technologists
Applicants must have HND or B.Sc. in Laboratory Technology and cognate experience in Laboratory work.

Application closing date
24th September, 2012

Method of Application:
Candidates are requested to forward fifteen (15) copies of their applications together with the underlisted to:
The Registrar,
College of Education,
P.M.B. 2090,
Delta State.

(i).Detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) stating:
i. Name (Surname first)
ii. Age
iii. State and Local Government of Origin
iv: Marital Status
v. Educational Qualifications
vi. Membership of Professional Body
vii. Work Experience
viii. Sex and Address
ix. Names and Addresses of three (3) Referees
(ii). Photocopies of Credentials
(iii). Referees recommendation letters

Only the shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

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