Academic Positions in Wesley University of Science and Technology (Numerous Positions)
Wesley University of Science and Technology, Ondo is a private University established by the Methodist Church, Nigeria with core values of seeking excellence, intellectual freedom of expression, integrity and high moral values.
We hereby invite applications from suitably qualified candidates
The Academic Positions
i. Professor
ii. Associate Professor (Reader)
iii. Senior Lecturer
iv. Lecturer I
v. Lecturer II
vi. Assistant Lecturer
Colleges and Discipline
i. College of Agriculture, Food Science and Technology
Food Science & Technology
Nutrition and Dietetics
Hotel Management & Tourism
Home Economics & Food Management
Agriculture (Economics. Crop Production, Extension e.t.c)
ii. College of Social and Management Sciences:
Banking and Finance
Business Administration
Mass Communication
Political Science
iii. College of Natural and Applied Sciences:
Marine Biology & Fisheries
Industrial Chemistry
Industrial Mathematics
Physics with Electronics
Computer Science
iv. College of Environmental Design and Management
Urban and Regional Planning
Estate Management
Salary and Allowances
In Wesley University of Science and Technology, Ondo, salaries and allowances are generally comparable with what obtains in Federal, State and Private Universities in the country.
Qualifications and Experience
i. Professor (WUCASS 07)
Candidates must possess Ph.D from a recognized University with at least 12 years of Teaching. Research and Professional experience in a University. Should show ability to initiate and develop research projects in addition to having substantial scholarly publications in local and international journals and relevant administrative experience in working with interdisciplinary groups.
Suitable candidates must have attained the position of Senior lecturer or Reader in a recognized University.
He/she must have the capacity to provide academic and managerial leadership to upcoming colleagues and be able to attract research grant. Computer literacy is an essential requirement.
Final consideration for appointment will be made after positive reports on the external assessment of publications after interview.
ii. Reader (WUCASS 06)
Qualification is the same as in (i) above with at least 10 years of teaching experience in a recognized University.
Suitable candidate must have attained the position of Senior lecturer. Computer literacy is an essential requirement.
Final consideration for appointment will be made after positive reports on the external assessment ofpublications after interview.
iii. Senior Lecturer (WUCASS 05)
Qualification is the same as in (i) above with at least 8 years of teaching experience in the University.
Candidates for Senior Lectureship must demonstrate evidence of teaching in a University or an institution of similar standing and contribution to knowledge in the form of scholarly publications in reputable journals.
Candidates must have spent a minimum of two years as a Lecturer I. Computer literacy is an important requirement.
iv. Lecturer I (WUCASS 04)
Candidates must possess Ph.D from a recognized institution with at least 5 years of teaching experience.
Candidates for Lecturer I must demonstrate evidence of teaching in a University or an Institution of similar standing and contribution to knowledge in the form of scholarly publications in reputable journals.
Candidates with PhD must have spent a minimum of two years as a Lecturer lI. Computer literacy is an important requirement.
v. Lecturer II (WUCASS 03)
Qualification is the same as in (iv) above with at least 3 years of Post Qualification experience. Computer literacy is an essential requirement.
vi. Assistant Lecturer (WUCASS 02)
Candidates should posses a good first and masters degrees with at least 3 years of relevant post qualification experience plus Ph.Ds Progress Report. Computer literacy is an essential requirement.
Candidates for all categories of academic positions must be able to demonstrate ability to use ICT and Audio-Visual facilities to teach students.
Application Closing Date
13th November, 2012
Method of Application
Interested applicants are requested to forward 15 copies of their applications, accompanied with detailed Curriculum Vitae, photocopies of certificates and other relevant credentials.
The Curriculum Vitae shauld be in the following format:
I. Name in full with Surname in capital letters.
II. Post desired/Field of Specialization.
III. College.
IV. Nationality
V. State of Origin
VI. Marital Status
VII. Numbers and Ages of Children
VIII. Home Address
IX. Present Postal Address
X. Telephone numbers, Preferably mobile phone
XI. E-mail address
XII. Institution attended with dates
XIII. Academic and Professional Qualifications Obtained (Including dates and institutions)
XIV. List of Publications in detail (Where applicable>
XV. Professional Accomplishment (Where applicable)
XVI. Evidence of ongoing Research (Where applicable)
XVII. Working experience with dates and posts held
XVIII. Present employment, Status, Salary and employers address
XIX. Other activities outside current employment
XX. Extra-curricular activities
XXI. Names and addresses of three referees.
XXII. Availability and Proposed date for resumption of duties if appointed.
Applcations could also be sent online through:
Referees shuId forward their references to the Registrar directly.
The envelope containing offline applications should be marked on the top right hand showing the position being sought and forwarded to:
The Registrar,
Wesley University of Science and Technology,
P.M.B 507,
Ondo State.